Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ditch the Tomato

I suppose a good place to start (my blog, that is) is by making something to stick my pins in. 

Yesterday I took out a book called Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson from the Toronto public library. For some reason, in all this time, I have failed to consider the library a source of sewing books. It's a good money-saver; and if I like the book and find that I'll be referring to it regularly, well, then I can always purchase it.

Hoverson's book caught my eye about a year ago when I spotted her colour-wheel quilt on the Internet. It's aesthetically pleasing in not a quilt-like way at all, and brings me back to Ms. Ichnatowych's grade ten art class, where we painted colour-wheels and the fact of red being complementary to green, and blue to yellow became forever engrained in my mind. (Also, I have forgiven her for her tactless inquiry as to whether I am bulimic [I wasn't], delivered in a well-meaning whisper but audible, I am certain, to at least ten or twelve other students.)

Since as this point in my life I don't feel ready to make any of the quilts in Hoverson's book, I went for the significantly smaller-scale project titled "Kelly's Pincushions." This pincushion project is good if you have fabric that you adore but of which you have tiny, very tiny remains. (You will need eight pieces of fabric in total, and a button-top is a nice option, I think.) In the final product, I couldn't get the embroidery thread to stay in place in between some of the pincushion "slices," but I guess that's the beauty of hand-made stuff.

the candidates

the result

the competition

While on the subject of pincushions, I should mention that last spring my friend bought me this beautiful little walnut-shell based pincushion at a sewing store and studio called Our Patterned Hand in London, England. It's made by Bev Alvarez and looks pretty enough to eat. (I also got a cool tote-making kit from Our Patterned Hand, which I shall write about in not-too-long a time.)

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